9. What You Need to Know

Somehow, I have unintentionally become a savvy online dater.  Not because I have wanted to be, but because I’ve gotten too smart for my own good and have learned a few things through all of my experiences.  I get a lot of questions about which site is the best, or “what does it mean when … Continue reading 9. What You Need to Know

8. The One That Broke My Heart

The aftermath of my two relationships left me in lonely place.  I was bitter and shut off from everything.  It was hard to find happiness in the small pieces of what was left of my heart.  I’m still not 100% healed from everything.  I have no feelings for either one of them, and I’ve completely … Continue reading 8. The One That Broke My Heart

6. He Said What?!

At this point, nothing anybody says or does surprises me, but when I first started online dating, there were so many pick-up lines, comments, and actions that shocked me on a regular basis.  I’ve compiled a few of those moments for you, where I said to myself numerous times, “did he really just say that?!”  … Continue reading 6. He Said What?!